How To Conquer Information Overload
Evan Doll is the co-founder of Flipboard that started from a garage in Palo Alto. Flipboard now has over 100 million registered users around the world. The launch of the iPad proved to be a turning point for Flipboard as it became one of the first seminal apps for it. In his talk, Evan talks about his Welsh roots, how his Nan would find interesting clippings and send them to him. Like a modern day curator. And how information overload can be like empty calories and why we need to slow information down, switch that phone off and start taking notice of the little important moments that are happening in our daily lives.
What would the Internet look like if it was redesigned from scratch, inspired by the beauty & simplicity of print? That was the question Evan asked himself when founding Flipboard, a platform that transforms how people discover, view and share online content. Evan was part of the team that built the original iPhone at Apple.